時變中介效應分析 (Mediational g-formula)
- 軟體下載:mGFORMULA macro(SAS)
- 使用手冊:Guidance
- 參考論文:
- Sheng-Hsuan Lin*, Jessica G. Young, Roger Logan, Eric TchetgenTchetgen, Tyler J. VanderWeele. “Parametric mediational g-formula approach to mediation analysis with time-varying exposures, mediators, and confounders”, Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.), 2017, 28(2):266.
- Sheng-Hsuan Lin*, Jessica G. Young, Roger Logan, Tyler J. VanderWeele, “Mediation analysis for a survival outcome with time‐varying exposures, mediators, and confounders”, Statistics in Medicine, 2017, 36(26):4153-4166.
多重中介效應分析 (mediation analysis with causal ordered multiple mediators)
- 軟體下載:PSE(R)
- 線上連結:Web Calculator
- 參考論文:
- Sheng-Hsuan Lin*, Tyler J. VanderWeele. “Interventional Approach for Path-Specific Effects”, Journal of Causal Inference, 2017, 5(1):20150027.
giPSE (Generalized interventional approach for causal mediation analysis with causally ordered multiple mediators)
- 軟體下載:giPSE(R)
- 教學影片:
- 維護人員:林詩紋 (a258bc106@gmail.com)
- 參考文獻
- Sheng-Hsuan Lin*. “Generalized interventional approach for causal mediation analysis with causally ordered multiple mediators” (2020+) (June 2019). Harvard University Biostatistics Working Paper Series. Working Paper 217. (https://biostats.bepress.com/harvardbiostat/paper217)
- 維護人員:林耕賢 (biglin0706@gmail.com)
機制型交互作用分析 (Mechanistic interaction analysis)